Youth Orchestra Spring Concert
The Lake County Symphony Association Youth Orchestra virtual concert is now available on demand through June 20 on the Soper Reese Theatre’s YouTube channel. This performance exhibits the collaborative efforts of the Youth Orchestra members, and their parents, teachers, and supporters. Be sure to tune in for a special treat of fine orchestral pieces, stunning musical solo features, and pride-inducing awards/scholarships presentations.
The Youth Orchestra performance was filmed outside at the Kelseyville Presbyterian Church. The conductor’s welcome and program notes, solos, scholarships, and awards were filmed indoors at the Soper Reese Theatre over several weeks. A special thanks goes to our LCSA board president, Camm Linden and son, Slade Darrin, for filming and editing this project.
Orchestral pieces included in the program are “Take Five” by Paul Desmond, “Folk Tune Air” by Alexander Safford, with solo by Rafael Contreras, and “Libertango” by Astor Piazzolla.
Concertmaster, Rafael Contreras, will perform the Vivaldi Violin Concerto in A minor accompanied by Camm Linden on piano. He will conclude with three fiddle pieces, Wizard’s Walk, Ook Pik Waltz, and El Cumbanchero, accompanied by Camm Linden on guitar. Featured on solo piano will be Maya Leonard and Nafisa Jamil. Both are violinists in the orchestra.
High school graduating seniors, Rafael Contreras and Samantha Carter, will receive scholarships for ongoing studies in college through the Lake County Symphony Association in conjunction with the Allegro Scholarship Program. They will be recognized for their nine years of membership in the Youth Orchestra, and Rafael Contreras will receive the prestigious College Scholarship award for playing in the Lake County Symphony. Maya Leonard and Nafisa Jamil will receive Allegro Scholarships for continued study in piano.
This virtual adventure is sponsored in part by Lake County Wine Alliance, Allegro Scholarship Program and the Soper Reese Theatre. Thank you for supporting the Youth Programs of the Lake County Symphony Association.