Festival Africa
Festival Africa
Benefit for the Children’s Museum of Arts & Science, South Lake Alliance
February 22, 2025
7:00 pm showtime; doors open 6:30 pm
$25 all seats; open seating
Dance floor open
A musical journey from Africa to the Americas. Presenting music, dance and blended cultures representing the African diaspora. Featuring amazing talents from West Africa, South Africa, Brazil, the West Indies and Better Together Gospel Choir.
Starring Baba Shibambo, South Africa; Guinea Connection (Victor Hall, Dho Cisse, Temomo Mane), West Africa; Daniela Waterlove, Brazil; Midnight Sun, West Indies; Doobie Logic, Reggae; Saturnin Ba, Ivory Coast; and the Better Together Gospel Choir.
A benefit for the Children’s Museum of Arts & Science, headquartered in Clearlake, and dedicated to providing high quality art, science and music education to families in Lake County.
Baba Shibambo Satumin Ba