Home Events - Soper Reese Theatre How The Grinch Stole Christmas

How The Grinch Stole Christmas

The Lakeport Main Street Association, Management Connections, and the Soper Reese Community Theatre present HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS!  Dress up in your PJ’s and come see this on the big screen FREE OF CHARGE (donations will be accepted)!

The Grinch is a surly asocial green creature with a heart “two sizes too small” who lives alone in a cave atop Mt. Crumpit, located above the village of Whoville. He especially hates Christmas and has always been annoyed by the town’s Christmas celebrations. One Christmas Eve, he finally decides to stop Christmas Day from coming to Whoville by disguising himself as Santa Claus, his dog Max as a reindeer and, in a reversal of Santa’s visit, steal all presents, decorations and symbols of Christmas. Once loaded, he plans on dumping the bags of stolen goods. His is noticed by a girl named Cindy Lou Who, but is otherwise undetected.

As the Grinch reaches the summit of Mt. Crumpit, ready to dump the bags, he discovers that the citizens of Whoville, despite having no gifts or decorations, have gathered in the middle of town to sing as Christmas Day dawns. Realizing that Christmas means more than just material possessions, the Grinch’s heart grows three sizes. He saves the sleigh, returns the presents and the other belongings to the Whos, and joins in the town’s Christmas celebration, by carving the roast beast, and Max gets the first slice.

Show Time:  6:00 pm

Sponsors:  Lakeport Main Street Association, The Soper Reese Community Theatre, Management Connections


Dec 21 2022


6:00 pm - 7:45 pm
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