Harold & Maude

Harold & Maude

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
6:00 pm  Doors open 5:30
Free entry. Donations greatly appreciated. Concessions open for purchase.

Sponsored by Karen Weston & Maureen Carpenter

This cult classic pairs a dead-pan disillusioned 20-year-old obsessed with suicide and a fun-loving 80-year-old eccentric. They meet at a funeral, and develop a taboo romantic relationship, in which they explore the tired theme of the meaning of life with a fresh perspective. Features a fine Cat Stevens score. Stars Bud Cort, Ruth Gordon, Vivian Pickles, Cyril Cusack, and Charles Tyner.

Romance/Comedy. Rated PG. Made in 1971. Runtime 90 minutes.
Assistive listening devices available.


Feb 27 2024


6:00 pm
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