100+ Women Strong in Lake County
100+ Women Strong
in Lake County
Thursday, February 13, 2020
6:30 pm Doors open 5:30 pm
This diverse group of women come together quarterly to financially support Lake County non-profits. To date the group has raised over $185,000 in 12 meetings over three years. Local non-profits undergo a selection process and 3 are chosen to participate in each meeting. At the end of each meeting, one of the non-profits is the recipient of a substantial contribution which is not subjected to any overhead or outside expenses. Every member commits to donating $100 each quarter, and every dollar of their donation goes directly to the chosen non-profit.
All are welcome to attend this meeting to find out more about this amazing group of Lake County Women.
Catering donated by RED’S at the Skyroom
Free admission. Open seating.